SpeechlessFeedback™ Program
Participants: 1-2
Duration: 1/2 day
Prerequisites: Captivate Program, Relate Program
When we trust and respect someone, it’s easy to give them permission to shape and lead us. This program guides you on how to impart constructive feedback while developing and building relationships of trust, empathy and respect within your team.
Who should attend?
Anyone who needs to deliver hard messages and build relationship.
What will you learn?
- To give honest feedback on an individual’s performance that is received, understood and acted on.
- Giving feedback that builds relationship.
- Bringing energy and vision into behavioural change.
- Building trust and empathy through evaluating and giving performance feedback.
- How to give confronting, tough feedback that is received positively.
- Giving feedback that is non-threatening.
- Using a structure and process that supports and guides you through a natural conversation when giving developmental feedback to a team member.
- How to deliver tough messages in a way that remains true, in line and congruent with your current relationship.
- Closing the gap of misunderstanding and misinterpretation.
- To use a clear structure that supports you in delivering feedback.