Speechless Captivate™ Program
Participants: 1-4
Duration: 1 day [1-2 participants]
1.5 days [3-4 participants]
Whether it’s one or a thousand, for an audience to trust you they need to believe you. In this foundational program you will learn how to create a powerful authentic connection when you communicate, capturing the heart of your audience, allowing you the right to speak to their mind.
Who should attend?
Anyone who wants to captivate an audience holding them spellbound with powerful communication.
What will you learn?
- To use body movement, gesture and stance to communicate authentically with your audience.
- What it takes to look and sound natural and believable, no matter how large your audience.
- To provide your audience with enough energy to stay 100% with you.
- To use energy and pause to bring simplicity and clarity to what you say.
- To close the perception gaps between what you think you’re communicating and what your audience is receiving.
- How to connect with your audience in a way that is unmistakably you.
- The power of choosing and being in control of what you communicate to your audience.
- To maximize the way our audience computes and processes information in spoken communication influencing them to act.
- To develop content that influences and changes the hearts and minds of your audience without preaching!
- To communicate tough messages in a way that is openly received by your audience.
- To bring simplicity and clarity to ‘off-the-cuff’ communication.
- To create content that builds relationship and trust with your audience.
- To create and use prompt notes that allow you to stay with your audience.
Included: Program notes